Week 16

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 28 December 2011

  • Presentation about blog company.

Week 15

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 21 December 2011

  • Presentation about Business Idea Computation.

Week 14

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 14 December 2011


  • Lecture about Business Ethics.

Week 13

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 7 December 2011


  • Lecture about Entrepreneurial Marketing.

Week 12

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 30 November 2011


  • Lecture about Financing or Funding.

Week 11

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 23 November 2011


  • Lecture about Business Plan and Business Model.

Week 10

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 16 November 2011

  • Case study 1 about Klymit.
  • In summary, Nate Alder was a business student in Brigham young university, he learned that divers using dry suit in arctic conditions used noble gases so that idea worked. 
  • He come his home he realized to help business student nick Sorensen and PHD candidate using argon gas to worm jacket that can always be worm even when totally wet.  
  • Finally Nate elder idea become more success and worked well, the company hopes to start generating revenue in 2009.nate elder‘s dream is that klymit will revolutionize the outdoor industry the way iPod has the portable music industry.

  • Case study 2 about Kathryn Kerrigan.
  • In summary, Kathryn Kerrigan have issue for shoe because she was a tall girl and her shoe size was large around 11 12, 13 so in that case force her to wear boys athletic shoes.  So in that difficulties Kathryn Kerrigan produce a business idea which can usefull and she realized how many tall women there were and how the big gap in the market place. 
  • She figured that the reason for this was increased participation in women’s sport and she took a loan from the bank and she get $35.000 loan and she become success for her idea.

Week 9

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 9 November 2011

Public Holiday - Hari Raya Korban & Semester Break. 

Week 8

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 2 November 2011

Activity (Harvard Business Case Study)
  • Harvard Business Case Study about Air Asia.
  • In summary, Air Asia is one of the Malaysian airlines that Found in January 2002 and it fly to the abroad countries and the entrepreneur of Air Asia is Tony Fernandes which is one of the successful entrepreneur in Malaysia.
  • Air Asia provide many thing for their customers such as promotions, low fare, low cost etc, the Air Asia care for the safety of the passenger, Air Asia provide their customer for free sit in order to feel their customer feeling free. And the company provides Wide range of light meals and snacks available for purchase onboard the aircraft and there is food also meals are available including Asian, Western, Vegetarian and Kid's Meal. Light snacks are also available for purchase onboard. 
  • Finally Air Asia is one of the best airlines in Asia and it’s more successful in somehow when u compare with other airline, the business is growing day after day.

Week 7

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 26October 2011

Public Holiday - Deepavali 

Week 6

Day  : Wednesday
Date : 19 October 2011

  • Lecture give briefing how to create group blog.
  • Blog name must same like group name.
  • We need to study about i-usahawan web sites because we will choose one module to edit.
  • This module will be link through your group blog.
  • Our group choose Diari Usahawan module.
  • This is header for our group.
  • In summary, our group create the blog based on our company name “CAMIT”, the blog include the individual assignment with the research of the most successful company and the group assignment about the website we charge and successful/graduate entrepreneur articles. Also we compile the lecture topics with slides and the in-class activities summarized by group members. 

    Week 5

    Day  : Wednesday
    Date : 12 October 2011

    Activity (Blue Ocean Product)
    • Fill the form that given. We need to fill Company Name & Position for our group member.
    • Besides that, we need to create Blue Ocean Product based from the thing that lecturer given.
    • Our group get golf clubs and we transform it to Magic Walker.

    • This activity is to help us understand blue ocean strategy, we need to create a blue ocean strategy product based on the thing provided by lecturer. The core point is to brain storm and came out with a creativity production.

    • In summary, Blue Ocean is creating new demand in an uncontested market space. Based on this our group came out with the product named “Magic Walker” used to help disable people to move their legs.

    Week 4

    Day  : Wednesday
    Date : 5 October 2011

    Activity (Product Idea)
    • Based from picture given, we need to create product that adapt the environment in the picture.
    • There have formula one, pyramid and beach.
    • Our group choose pyramid picture and create Transmitter Solar product.

    • In summary, we have learn that any problem in the world can be turned into a business opportunity. Problems are anywhere, we just have to open our eyes and take action.

    Week 3

    Day  : Wednesday
    Date : 28 September 2011

    Activity (Exchange Card)
    • There have many steps that we need to know in exchange card.
    • Activity for that week is exchange card to anyone we want to know. Especially person that recognize as entrepreneur. We learn how to exchange and what we need to talk when exchange the card.

    Week 2

    Day  : Wednesday
    Date : 21 September 2011

    Activity (Brain Profiling) 
    • Answer Soal Selidik Cara Fikir.
      • In summary, we know about our self.

      Week 1

      Day  : Wednesday
      Date : 14 September 2011

      Activity (Jet Plane) 
      • Design the furthest jet plane using paper that given.   
      • In summary, we need strategy in we do. besides that, we need to help each other.